Premier Thandi Modise calls for probe into death of mine worker

Premier Modise calls for probe into the death of mine worker

North West Premier Thandi Modise has expressed concern about reports that a mine worker was killed yesterday in one of the mines in Swartkilp.

“As we convey our condolences to the family of the deceased, we wish to condemn this senseless violence and killings and appeal to police to act speedily in arresting those responsible,” said Premier Modise.

Modise called for an investigation into the death which is believed to be related to the irrational killings in the North West platinum belt, which she said undermines the framework for peace and stability in the mining industry.

She said the rule of law has to be upheld and peace maintained to ensure protection of life, property and the advancement of the rights of all.

Lesiba Moses Kgwele (Spokesperson)
Tel: 018 388 3705
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