Meeting between the provincial cabinet and the team from the South African Police Service (SAPS)

The provincial cabinet of KwaZulu-Natal held its regular weekly meeting on 17 June 2009. During this meeting, cabinet met with the provincial team from South African Police Services led by Provincial Commissioner, Hamilton Ngidi.
This emanated from the concern which has been raised by cabinet regarding the upsurge of violence in some parts of the province.

These areas include Nongoma, uMlazi, Glebelands hostel and Greytown. This has led to a loss of life and also instability in those areas and disruption of lives of affected communities. As a result, cabinet invited the SAPS team to come and brief cabinet about the security plans which have been implicated in acts of criminality. The team was led by the provincial commissioner and also included station commanders from the areas referred to above.

Cabinet was informed that whilst tensions in some areas of the province are said to be attributed to political intolerance, in other areas this was due to taxi conflicts that have manifested in various cases of criminal conduct. Amongst other interventions which have been put in place by the police, cabinet was pleased to learn of the arrest of some of the key people who have been implicated and said to be a centre of the conflicts in the affected areas. Cabinet has therefore congratulated the police for these successes that have been achieved.

Having listened to the police plans, cabinet reiterated its support to the police in their efforts to bring normality to the affected areas and urged the police to be more firm in dealing with the perpetrators of violence to ensure that they are swiftly brought to book and face the full might of the law.
“We congratulate the police and are very proud of their action in apprehending the suspects. It is important to act decisively in cases of crime and not create an impression that the province is slipping into lawlessness,” KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Dr Zweli Mkhize said.

Cabinet also received a briefing from Ethekwini Mayor Obed Mlaba and Municipal Manager, Mike Sutcliffe on the matter of Ethekwini Early Morning Market.
Cabinet was informed about plans to construct a new intermodal interchange platform at the Berea Station and the reconfiguration of the Warwick Avenue Triangle. The need for refurbishment has been understood by cabinet.

Cabinet has directed that due sensitivity must guide the process of resolving this matter while the matters of unlicensed traders is being managed.
“As government we are very concerned about the plight of the informal traders. There is urgent need to protect the street traders, since the area of small business development is priority of government especially during the times of recession.”

While the municipality is handling this matter the provincial government has resolved to send a delegation of MECs led by MEC for Economic Development and Tourism, Mr Mike Mabuyakhulu to support the municipality and informal traders in finding an amicable resolution to this impasse.

Ndabezinhle Sibiya
Cell: 082 3754742

Issued by: Office of the Premier, KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government
18 June 2009
Source: Office of the Premier, KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government (


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