Parliament receives update on SITA certificates backlog, 12 Aug

SITA to give update on certificates backlog

Having given the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) one month to come up with an accelerated plan to deal with the TVET certificates backlog, the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training will get detailed feedback on the matter from the agency tomorrow.

The last time the SITA briefed the committee was in June, during a meeting at which Members heard that SITA had planned to deal with the backlog – which stood at 192 000 then and had lasted since 2007 – within 12 months.

However, the Committee rejected the plan and asked SITA to come up with another plan that would see the National Certificate (Vocational) [NC(V)] backlog being cleared quicker as the situation impacted negatively on the graduates’ job prospects.

Details of tomorrow’s meeting are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Time: 09h30
Venue: Committee Room V226, Second Floor, Old Assembly Building

For media enquiries or interviews with the Chairperson, please contact:
Elijah Moholola
Parliamentary Communication Services
Tel: 021 403 2311
Cell: 081 509 1889

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