Best of the best in North West taxi industry to be celebrated in Taung

The best of the 12 North West taxi drivers who qualified for the regional phase of the Brandhouse/ Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) Number One Taxi Driver of the Year is to be announced at 11h00 on Friday, 29 October 2010 at the Taung Tusk Hotel. The prestigious event includes announcement of the best taxi employer and district taxi association.

One hundred and thirty seventy taxi drivers across the province participated in client service training, K53 theory and practical driving tests to qualify for the regional eliminations.

The Brandhouse/RTMC Numner One Taxi Driver campaign has been in existence for six years and seeks to educate taxi drivers and other road users on road safety and highlights, in particular, driver fatigue, drinking and driving, high speed driving and un-roadworthiness of vehicles.

North West MEC for Public Safety, Howard Yawa who is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the event has praised the provincial taxi industry’s patriotism and contribution towards the successful hosting of the 2010 Football World Cup.

MEC Yawa regards the campaign as a collective effort to deliver responsible role models in the taxi industry who embody responsible driving and great customer care from both the individual drivers as well as taxi owners.

The driver with the highest score will represent the province at the national competition.

Lesiba Moses Kgwele
Tel: 018 381 9171
Cell: 083 629 1987


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