Government Opinion Pieces

The auditing of government institutions in South Africa is required by law. Every action, decision and expenditure by public officials is reviewed by government accountants and auditors to ensure…

It is often said not to concentrate on the past but to focus on the future. Tomorrow we have the opportunity to do both, to remember where we have come from and to make sure that we never venture…

A healthier nation starts with our children and health is vital for children to reach their full potential.  Without proper healthcare, various medical problems could go undetected and…

South Africa will host the fifth annual Brics Summit and the first meeting of the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) leaders in Durban from March 26 to 27. The theme of this year’s…

At the height of the global economic crisis several countries found themselves floundering with their economies on the verge of collapse. Like a rudderless ship they were being pounded mercilessly…

South Africa’s blue print for the next 20 years to steadily roll back unemployment, poverty and inequality is slowly beginning to take shape and is now firmly at the centre of our economic thrust…

Are you in a relationship where you feel trapped and are often either physically or emotionally abused by your partner? Often it’s a case of the cycle of abuse repeating itself, many men abuse…

The recent brutal rape, serious bodily harm which was inflicted, and subsequent death of 17-year old Anene Booysen shocked all South Africans. What was even more disturbing was that one of the…

The annual State of the Nation Address (SoNA) is a significant event in the government calendar. The President delivers it to a joint sitting of Parliament where he outlines the key achievements…

Media reports on e-tolling and opposition to it make for interesting reading on how the media shape our thinking and leave us vulnerable to the duplicity and disinformation of various interest…

Most 100 year anniversaries are moments of happiness - an occasion to mark with joyous celebration. In June, South Africa will be marking a very different anniversary. This year marks 100 years…

South Africa is preparing to host the Fifth BRICS Summit and the first meeting of BRICS Leaders on African soil in Durban on 27 March 2013. This historic event, convened under the theme “BRICS and…

We encounter policemen and women in blue almost every day but we seldom give their presence a second thought. They are like an extended shadow that keeps watch over us wherever we may go. Without…

As the stadium clock slowly ticks towards 90 minutes, every face in the crowd and millions watching on television anxiously await the fourth official raising his timekeeping board to indicate how…

South Africa’s foreign policy contends that our national interests are better safeguarded by not just focusing on our own national interests, but broadly on the interests of our region and our…

This year South Africa enters the home straight as we prepare to celebrate 20 years of freedom and democracy in 2014. As a young nation we have come a long way in a relatively short space of time…

Most South Africans see the New Year as a fresh start. It is a symbolic time to clean out the old and replace it with new aspirations and dreams. Some make quick mental resolutions, whilst others…

You are awoken from a deep slumber by the sound of persistent knocking on your door. As you gingerly rise, you are immediately hit by a piercing headache emanating from the centre of your forehead…

The display of a triumphalist attitude towards citizens in litigation matters is not in the character of the South African government. Even in court battles we win against some of our citizens, we…
The year has come to an end, matrics have completed their final examinations and preparations for next year are already under way.   Provinces are preparing to deliver millions of textbooks and…