UMengameli u-Cyril Ramaphosa: INdima emZameni weliZweloke wokuRhobhisa umBulalazwe oyi-COVID-19

IsiTatimende sikaMengameli u-Cyril Ramaphosa ngeNdima emZameni weliZweloke wokuRhobhisa umBulalazwe oyi-COVID-19, 14 kuNobayeni wee-2020

MaSewula Afrika weKhethu,

Sekudlule amalanga alitjhumi nalinye nganethulela ikulumo.

Ngesikhatheso ngabika bona kunamatshwayo wokwehla kwehlandla lesibili kwengogwana i-corona eendaweni ezihlukileko zelizwe lekhethu.

Ngelangelo, kwakumhlana ama-3 kuNobayeni, ilizwe lekhethu besele ligadangise iimbalobalo  zokutheleleka kwabantu abangaphezulu kwee-4 400.

Izolo, mhlana ama-13 kuNobayeni, sigadangise iimbalobalo ezitjha zokutheleleka kwabantu abapheze babe zii-8 000.

Inani elikhulako leembalobalo eziqinisekisiweko ngengogwana i-corona eSewula Afrika lijame ee-866 127.

Iimbalobalwezi ziyahlubayeza.

Akusekho nokuncani ukuzaza – ilizwe sele lingene ehlandleni lesibili lokutheleleka kwabantu ngengogwana i-corona.

Nakutjhejwa izinga lokukhuphuka kweembalobalo zokutheleleka kwabantu eemvekeni ezimbili ezidlulileko, kunekghonakalo ekulu yokobana nasingathathi amagadango arhabako ngokusebenzisana, ihlandla lesibili lokwehla kobulwelobu lizokuba limbi khulu kunelokuthoma.
Isilinganisomanani saqobe lilanga semibiko emitjha yokungenwa kwabantu bulwelobu elizweni loke emalangeni alikhomba adluleko singaphezulu ngama-74% nasimadaniswa nesamalanga alikhomba wangaphambi kwalokhu.

Ngesikhathesi, isibalo semibiko emitjha sikhulile sisuka esilinganiswenimanani sangamalanga sezehlakalo ezizii-3 800 sayokufika ngaphezudlwana kwee-6 600 ngelanga.

Isilinganisomanani sangamalanga sababulewe mbulalazwe oyi-COVID-19 sikhuphuke sayokufika pheze ema-50% esikhathini esifanako, sisuka ngaphezudlwana nje kwenani labantu abahlongakeleko abali-100 ngelanga sayokufika ebantwini abali-150 abahlongakeleko.

Iimfunda ezine ezikhamba phambili ngehlandla lesibili lokwehla kwe-Coronavirus yiPumalanga Kapa, iTjingalanga Kapa, iKwaZulu-Natala ne-Gauteng.

Kungekokuthoma thomi bona inengi labantu abatheleleke ngobulwelobu kilelihlandla lesibili kube lilutjha elineminyaka ehlangana neli-15 neli-19.

Kungenzeka bona banengi abonobangela bokurhagala kokuthelelana ngobulwele lokhu okukhulu, abanye abonobangela abaqakathekileko sele bathoma ukubonakala.

Imibuthano – khulukhulu yokuzigedla lapha abantu baziditjhela khona bazithabise neminyanya – ingunobangela omkhulu wokurhatjheka kombulalazwe.

Keminengi yemibuthano le, ukujama nokuhlala maqalanga akuyelelwa, iindawo ekuhlanganyelwa kizo ziminyene begodu azibethi ummoya owaneleko begodu abantu abafaki amamaski.

Abantu abanengi basela amarhugu kileminyanya ‘ebhebhedlhisa ingogwana ye-corona komlilo otjha uburhangurhangu’, okubangela bona abantu bagcine bangasayeleli ngefanelo amagadango wokuzivikela nokukhandela ukutheleleka.

IFestivali yomVumo yamhlapha nje, eyaziwa nge-Rage Festival yokugidinga ukuphela kokutlolwa kweenhlahlubo zikamethrigi ebeyibanjelwe e-Ballito, isikhumbuzo esibuhlungu khulu sokuthi ingaba yingozi kangangani imibuthano emikhulu. 

Sele sazi gadesi bonyana abantu abatjha pheze abayi-1 000 be-Gauteng egade bakhambele umnyanya lo bafunyenwe banengogwana i-corona. Esingakabukukwazi kukobana bangaki abanye abantu abathelelwe ngomunye nomunye welutjha esele lingenwe bulwelobu. 

Kuthiwa ingabalelwa ema-300 imindeni esele ithelelekile ngenca yabantu ebegade bakhambele ifestivali le.

Iqiniso elibuhlungu ngombulalazwe lo kukobana iminyanya, amakhonsathi, namaphathi — ekufuze kube migidi yokuzithabisa — sele iba mithombo yokuthelelana ngobulwele begodu lokhu kungabangela bona kuhlongakale inengi labantu.

Omunye unobangela wokukhuphuka kwezinga lokutheleleka kwabantu ngobulwele kuthathwa kwamakhambo nokuyemayema. 

Abantu abanengi abathobeli amagadango wokuzivikela lokha nabakhamba hlangana namadrobha amakhulu, amadrojana neendawo zemakhaya, nahlangana neendawo ezihlukileko.

Kufuze siyelele kobana ukukhamba kwethu khulu kukhambisana nokwanda kwamathuba wokurhatjheka kwengogwana.

Lokho kutjho ukufaka amamaski nawukhamba ngesithuthi somphakathi nokuqinisekisa kobana amafesdiri avuliwe ngaso soke isikhathi.

Godu kutjho ukwehlisa isibalo sabantu oditjha nabo emalangeni wangaphambi kwalokha uzokuthatha ikhambo lokuvakatjhela umndeni nabangani kezinye iingcenye zelizwe.

Kuphephile ukuzigedla nomndenakho weengazi kunokuhlanganyela emibuthanweni emikhulu engabangela ukurhatjheka kwengongwana.

Ngokunabileko, ukwanda ngobunengi kwabantu abatheleleka ngengogwana le kumphumela wabantu abangathobeli imilayelo elula nelula ukuyilandela.  Amagadango la aqakathekile ngombana ukurhatjheka kwengogwana le kubangwa kanengi babantu abathelelweko kodwana abangakabukutjengisa amatshwayo,  nayibe bazokuba nawo amatswhayo, godu ekungenzeka nokuthi abe abazi nokwazi ukuthi  banengogwana.

Amazinga aphasi wokutheleleka eenyangeni ezimbalwa ezidlulileko enze sazigedla ngokungasafaki amamaski sivale   iimpumulo  zethu  nemilomo ngaso soke isikhathi nasihlangana nabantu.

Asisasiboni isidingo sokuzila iindawo eziminyeneko, namkha ukuba maqalanga nomunye umuntu ngebanga eliyi-1.5 wamamitha  namkha ukuqinisekisa ukuvulwa kwamafesdiri nawukhamba ngesithuthi somphakathi nokuhlanzekisa iindawo ezisetjenziswa babantu boke.

Sirhabe sangenwa mummoya kaKresmusi msinyana godu simema abangani nomndeni kobana sibuthane ngokuzigedla ndawonye.

Bekube gadesi, kukubhalelwa kwethu ukuthobela ngefanelo zoke iiyeleliso   ngaso soke isikhathi esele kusifikise kilelihlandla lesibili lokwehla kobulwele be-COVID-19.

Amagadango  wokuyelela la abonakala ingasuthi akakaqakatheki bekube kulapho umuntu omthandako atheleleleka ngengogwana ngobudlabha bakho.

Isikhathi sokugidinga esikiswesi kwanjesi-ke siza nengozi ekulu phezu kwepilo yomzimba nehlalakuhle yesitjhaba sekhethu.

Isikhathesi siza  nengozi ekulu nekuvuselelweni komnotho wethu.

Lokhu kungombana isikhathi sokuphumula ngokujayelekileko kusikhathi sokuhlangana, sokuba sendleleni, sokuhlangana nabangani nemindeni, nesokuzigedla ngemva komnyaka obudisi nosiphathise ihloko.

Kilamahlangothi, isikhathi  sokugidinga ngalesisikhathi somnyaka siyafana nesePhasika.

Kufuze sikhumbule kobana ngesikhathi sePhasika nonyaka, sakghona ukwehlisa isibalo sokuthelelana ngombana saziphatha kuhle, soke sathobela amagadango wokutjheja siyelele ngezepilo.
Kilokhu, sihlonipha ukuzinikela okwenziwa masondo ngokujamisa iinkonzo   zePhasika, ngokunjalo godu sihlonipha nazo zoke iinhlangano zekolo ngomsebenzi eziwenze umnyaka woke ukuhlenga ipilo yabantu.  

Njengalokha senza ngePhasika, siyatlhoga godu ukuthobela ikambiso yemilayelo yezepilo esisekelo.

Nasingenzi izinto ngokuhlukileko kilesi sikhathi sokuphumula, sizokulotjhisa umnyaka ozako ngokudana, ingasi ngethabo.

Inengi labangani bethu, iinini nabasebenzisani bazokutheleleka, abanye bazokugula khulu, godu abanye, ngetjhudwelimbi,  bazositjhiya emhlabeni.

Ngaphandle kobana senze izinto ngendlela ehlukileko, lo kuzokuba nguKresmusi wokugcina kabanengi, kumaSewula Afrika amanengi.

Le-ke yinto esingayifuniko. Soke sifuna ukuphila ngokunjalo sifuna baphile nabaseenhliziyweni zethu. 

Kuqakathekile bona sithathe amagadango  ukukhandela ihlandla lesibili lokwehla kobulwelobu nokuhlenga  ipilo, lokha nasisasebenzela ukuvikela  imithombo abantu abaziphilisa ngayo.

MaSewula Afrika weKhethu,

Emalangeni alitjhumi nalinye adlulileko, simemezele i-Nelson Mandela Bay njengendawo ‘erhagalelwe yingogwana i-corona, ngokukhambisana nekambiso yethu ehlukileko yokulawula umbulalazwe.

Kunabanye abomasipala nabo abatjengise ukuphakama khulu kwenani labantu abatheleleke ngengogwana le. 

UNgqongqotjhe wezamaPhilo uDorh. Zwelini Mkhize uvakatjhele iindawezi, kwathi ngemva kwemikhulumiswano nababambindima abahlukahlukileko, iKhabinethi  yaqunta  ukumemezela godu iiyingi ezimbili ezilandelako  njengalezo ezirhagalelwe yingogwana i-corona.

Zona ngilezi:

- I-Sarah Baartman District 
- I-Garden Route District 

Lokhu kutjho ukuthi yona leya mibandela engezelelwe e-Nelson Mandela Bay kuzokusebenza yona nakileziiyingi ukusukela namhlanje nakuhlukana ubusuku, kanti-ke izakusebenza bekubonakale kuhle ukuthi lehla ngendima ebonakalako inani labantu abatheleleka ngengogwana le. 

Njengombana iindawo ezirhagalelwe yingogwana le zifuna ukutjhejwa ngokukhethekileko nje, isikhathi sokugidinga amaholideyi kaKresimusi siza nobungozi obukhulu kilo loke ilizweli. 

Ngenca yalokhu-ke sibambe imihlangano yokubonisana eemfundeni, ukufika nakibomasipala, ngamagadango ekufuze athathwe ngomnqopho wokukhandela ukurhatjheka kwehlandla lesibili lokwehla kobulwele obubangwa yingogwana i-corona. 

Kube nemikhulumiswana enabileko ngaphakathi komKhandlu oLawula iNgogwana i-COVID-19 eliZweni Loke kunye nomKhandlu kaMengameli oQalene nemiSebenzi yokuLungelelanisa, owona uhlanganisa abajameli belizwe, beemfunda kunye nebakarhulumende beendawo zemakhaya. 

Ngokulandela iimphakamiso zemihlangano le, iKhabinethi iqunte ukuthi kubekwe eminye imilayelo yokuqintelisa elizweni loke ukusukela phakathi kobusuku banamhlanjesi.  

Kokuthoma, sizokuqinisekisa kobana kuqiniswa isandla somthetho ngokuthotjelwa kwesiGaba sokuYelela sokuThoma  elizweni loke ngalesisikhathi samaholideyi wokugidinga nangemva kwaso.

Lokhu kufaka hlangana isidingo sokobana abatjhayeli nabalawuli banofana ngiziphi iinthuthi kufuze baqinisekise bona boke abakhweli bafaka amamaski.

Abaphathi namkha abanikazi bemakhiwo, iindawo zeentolo, zeenthabathaba zeentolo, amasuphamakethe nemakhiwo karhulumende – bakatelelekile ngokomthetho ukuqinisekisa kobana woke amakhastama angena ngemakhiweni yabo afake amamaski.

Kufuze umqatjhi aqinisekise kobana boke bafaka amamaski lokha nabasebenzako.

Lokhu kubeka umsebenzi emahlombe wabo boke abanikazi, abaphathi nabaqatjhi – nathi soke – ukuqinisekisa bona amaSewula Afrika aphephile lapho akhona kenye nenye yeendawezi.

Abantu abathintekako abangaqinisekisi ukuthi abakhweli eenthuthini zabo, amakhastama namkha abasebenzi babo bathobela imilayelo, bazokuhlawuliswa namkha badosiswe isigwebo esingafika eenyangeni  ezintandathu.

Kwesibili, sithatha amagadango wokwehliswa kobungozi beminyanya engabangela ukurhatjheka kwengogwana ngokweqileko.

Imilayelo yagadesi ngomthamo wemihlangano nemibuthano ayikaqini ngokwaneleko ukukhandela iinqubuthu ebujameni bagadesi lapho imibiko emitjha yokutheleleka yanda ngebelo eliphezulu.

Ngalokho, imibuthano – kufaka hlangana yezekolo – akukameli ihlangelwe babantu abangaphezu kwe-100 emibuthanweni ebanjelwe ngaphakathi kwemakhiwo nabama-250 emibuthanweni ebanjelwe ngaphandle namkha ematatawini.

Ngazo zoke iinkhathi, khulukhulu emakhiweni emincani, inani elipheleleko labantu akukafaneli libe ngaphezulu kwam-50% womthamo wendawo leyo.

Kiyo yoke imibuthano kufuze kubethe ummoya owaneleko, abantu baqalangane ngokwaneleko, bafake amamaski basebenzise neenhlanzekisi zezandla. 

Ngonobangela wengozi yokwanda kwamathuba wokuthelelana, yoke imibuthano yangemva kwemingcwabo, kufaka leyo hlangana ‘yokusula iinyembezi’ eyaziwa ngokuthi ma-after tears, ayikavunyelwa.

Enye yeenselele ezikulu ekufuze siqalane nazo ziinqubuthu eziya elwandle nemaphaga wokuzithabisa ngamaholideyi womphakathi ngesikhathi  samaholideyi wokugidinga ukuphela komnyaka la.

Sibambe imikhulumiswano yokubonisana edephileko ngendaba le kobanyana sizokuthola indlela esingehlisa ngayo ukuthelelana kwabantu ngobunengi ukube ngakelinye ihlangothi siphungula namacaphazela amambi emabhizinisini eendaweni ezimagega nelwandle. 

Sivumelene ukusebenzisa ikambiso ehlukileko, etjheja ubujamo obungafaniko eendaweni ezihlukileko zelizwe.

Eendaweni lapho abantu batheleleka khona ngobunengi, emabhitjhi nemaphageni womphakathi, kuzokuvalwa ngalaholideyi nje, ukusukela nakali-16 kuNobayeni ukuyokufika nakama-3 kuTjhirhweni. 

Lokhu-ke kuzokwenzeka kiyo yoke iPumalanga Kapa kunye nesiphandeni i-Garden Route eseTjingalanga Kapa.

Ilwandle laKwaZulu-Natala namaphaga womphakathi kuzokuvalwa ngamalanga ajayelekileko amatasatasa wesikhathesi.

Amalanga la kumhlana ali-16, ama-25, ama-26 namhlana ama-31 kuNobayeni wee-2020 namhlana li-1, ama-2 namhlana ama-3 kuTjhirhweni wee-2021.

Iindawo ezimagega nelwandle namaphaga womphakathi weTlhagwini Kapa neTjingalanga Kapa – ngaphandle kwesiphande i-Garden Route – azokuhlala avulelwe umphakathi ngesikhathesi sokuphumula.

Amafesitivali, umbhino obunqopha, nokujida okubunqopha eendaweni ezimagega nelwandle akukavunyelwa.

Amabhitjhi namaphaga avulelwe umphakathi azokuvulwa kwaphela hlangana ne-iri le-9 ekuseni nele-6 ntambama.

Ubujamobu buzokugadwa qobe lilanga ziimphathimandla zendawo ukuqinisekisa ukuthotjelwa kwemileyo mayelana nemibuthano nokukhandelwa kokuselwa kotjwala.

Ebujameni lapho kutholakala isiqubuthu sabantu namkha kungathotjelwa khona imileyo yezokuphepha, amabhitjhi namaphaga wokuledlha azokuvalwa.

Amaphaga welizweloke neweemfunda lapho ubungeno nesibalo sabangenako silawulekako azokuhlala avulelwe ukuvakatjhelwa mphakathi.

Lesi kusikhathi esibudisi, esitlhoga ukubekwa ilihlo ngeenkhathi zoke.

Ngikhuphe umleyo wokobana woke amalunga womKhandlu oLuleka ngeNgogwana i-Corona neemphathimandla bonyana bahlale bajame ngomumo ukuqinisekisa bona banikela itjhejo bebalawule ubujamo ezweni loke ngeenkhazi zoke. 

Lokha ubujamo nabungathuwelela, kuzokuthathwa amanye amagadango ukuvikela abantu belizwe lekhethu.

Umkhakha wesithathu osizowutjheja khulu kilesisikhathi kukhandela imibuthano emithombo yokurhatjheka kwengogwana nokwehlisa umthwalo emazikweni wezamaphilo olethwa kuselwa kotjwala ngokweqileko.

Ngalokho, amagadango alandelako azokusetjenziswa:

Ama-iri aqintelisa isikhathi sokuba ngaphandle azokuba made, ukuthoma nge-iri ye-11ebusuku bekube nge-iri ye-4 ngamasa.

Iindawo ezingenzi umsebenzi osisekelo, kufaka hlangana amarestjurenti namabhara kuzokufanela zivale nge-iri ye-10 ebusuku kobana abasebenzi namakhastama bafike emakhaya ngaphambi kokuthoma kwesikhathi sokuba ngekhaya.

Isikhathi lesi senzelwe ukukhandela imibuthano edosa ubusuku boke, begodu kusesenjalo sisiza amarestjurenti, iindawo zokuqeda ukoma, amabhara namathaveni ukuthi zirage nebhizinisi khona zizakufumana amatjheleni nofana ingenisomali.

Kufuze sikhumbule soke kobana ama-iri wesikhathi esiqintelweko ayasebenza nangelanga eLandulela likaKresmusi neliLandulela lomNyaka omuTjha. Lokhu kutjho bona kufuze soke senze amatjhuguluko ngendlela esigidinga ngayo amalanga akhethekileko la.

Ukuthengiswa kwamarhugu/kotjwala eentolo kuzokuvunyelwa kwaphela hlangana ne-iri le-10 ekuseni ukufikela kele-6 ntambama ukusukela ngoMvulo ukufikela ngeLesine.

Iindawo ekukhiqizwa kizo iwayini ezitloliswe ngokomthetho namaplasi abhura ngewayini ngokomthetho angaraga nokunikela amakhastama ithuba lokuzonambitha iwayini nokuthengisela umphakathi iwayini abazoyithenga bakhambe nayo. Ikambiso le yenziwa ngenca yegalelo eliqakathekileko lamaziko la kezevakatjhobukelo eengcenyeni ezinengi zelizwe.

Akukavunyelwa ukuselwa kwamarhugu/kotjwala eendaweni zoke zomphakathi, ngitjho emabhitjhi nemaphageni.

Asikazukuvumela isiqubuthu sabantu ukuhlanganyela endaweni yinye ngaphandle kokuqinisekisa ukuthi endaweni leyo kuhlelwe indlela yokulawula ngokufaneleko.

Imileyo le yesikhathi sokuphumula samaholideyi kaKresmusi izokubuyekezwa ekuthomeni kukaTjhirhweni kuqalwe ubujamo bombulalazwe ngelizweni mazombe.

MaSewula Afrika Wekhethu,

Ekucabangisiseni ngamagadango wokuziphendulela kwethu phezu kwehlandla lesibili lokutheleleka  kwabantu ngobulwelobu, silingile ukuthi silinganise ngokuyelela isidingo sokuhlenga iimpilo zabantu nesidingo sokuvikela ingenisomali yamakhaya.

Ukuqinteliswa kwamakhambo nemisebenzi ethileko ezweni loke esakumemezela ekuthomeni ngenca yombulalazwe kwakunqophe ukuriyadisa ukurhatjheka kwengogwana sikwazi ukuzilungiselela lijame kuhle ihlelo lethu lezamaphilo khona sizakuqalana nokukhula kwesibalo sabantu abangenwa bulwelobu.

Ngesikhatheso, besingakakulungeli ukujamelana nokwanda msinyana kwezehlakalo zabantu abangenwa yingogwana le nenani labalaliswa  eembhedlela.

Besifuna ukuthola imitjhini neensetjenziswa ezaneleko, sakhe amaziko wezamaphilo ekuzokwelatjhelwa kiwo iingulani, sibandule abasebenzi bethu bezamaphilo besiqinisekise ukuthi kunamahlelo wokutjhejisisa nokuziphendulela nange kungaba namatjhuguluko kezepilo eza nombulalazwe lo.

Ukuqinteliswa kwamakhambo nemisebenzi ethileko ngokuzeleko kwakufanele khona kuzakuriyadisa ukurhatjheka kombulalazwe kodwana igadangwelo angeze lisasiza kangako esikhathinesi.

Eenyangeni ezimbalwa ezidluleko, sethule amagadango ahlukahlukeneko wokuqinisa amandlethu wokulawula ingogwana le.

Ngenca yokusebenza ngamandla kwabasebenzi bethu bezamaphilo, abasebenzi bembusweni, abocwephetjhe kezokwelapha nabeluleki ngezesayensi, sikwazile ukuhlela kuhle zoke iinsetjenziswa zethu khona sizakuvikela abantu beSewula Afrika ngokunikela itjhejo kilabo abalitlhogako.

Amagadango esawathathako ekuthomeni kombulalazwe, nezenzo zawo woke amaSewula Afrika, zisivumele ukuthi sihlenge amaphilo wabantu abanengi.

Gadesi, kufuze sivikele ipumelelo esiyifikeleleko begodu sibambisane emnqopheni wokukhandela ukwehla kwe-COVID-19 ihlandla lesibili.

Njengombana senzile ukusukela ekuthomeni, kufuze sithathe amagadango ngokuhlahlwa bufakazi bezesayensi esinabo.

Njengalokha abodorhodere bethu, abahlengikazi nabasebenzi abadosa phambili basebenza ngamandla ukusivikela, kufuze sisebenze ngokuzinikela okukhulu senzela ukubavikela.

Bekube gadesi, abasebenzi bezamaphilo abangaphezu kwee-38 000 embusweni bafunyenwe banengogwana ye-corona. Hlangana nesibalwesi, pheze abazii-5 000 balaliswa eembhedlela.

Ngetjhudwelimbi bama-391, abasebenzi bamaziko wezamaphilo wombuso ababhubhileko.

Njengesitjhaba, sibethulela ingwani abasebenzaba abaziinkutani kunye nemindenabo, ngaphandle kwabo, besingeze safika lapha sikhona.

Njengalokha siqalana nehlandla lesibili lokutheleleka, kufuze senze koke esingakwenza ukusekela nokuvikela abasebenzi bethu bezamaphilo.

Ngaphandle kobana siziphathe kuhle, ngaphandle kokuthobela imileyo eqakathekileko ngazo zoke iinkhathi, unyaka omutjha esizokungena kiwo uzokuba mnyaka obudisi newebangamatlhuwo.

Ije kunemileyo eminengi esikhandela bona singenzi koke esijayele ukukwenza, isikhathesi singaba ngesethabo nesiphephileko.

Lesi sikhathi sokuphumula, ngiyanincenga bona ninciphise igidigidi benibalekele iinqubuthu.

Naniditjha nabanye abantu, ditjhani ngaphandle, nithabele ubujamo behlobo leSewula Afrika obukarisako, namkha ukuqinisekisa kobana nisendaweni engenisa ummoya.

Ngiyanincenga, fakani amamaski avala ipumulo nomlomo lokha nanihlangana nabantu namkha eendaweni zomphakathi.

Akukafaneli bona ubeke imaski yakho esilevini, uyifake ngembadeni namkha uyehlisa nawukhuluma nomuntu.

Khumbula ukuhlamba izandla zakho qobe ngesibha namanzi okungasenani imizuzwana ema-20 namkha uzihlikihle ngesihlanzekisi.

Nciphisa amakhambo ngendlela ongakghona ngayo. Nakwenzeka kobana ube nekhambo, qinisekisa ukuphepha kilelo khambo.

Nawuzoyokuvakatjhela abangani nomndeni, nciphisa isibalo sabantu othintana nabo okungasenani isikhathi esingaba yiveke ngaphambi kokuthi ukhambe uye emndeninakho namkha uzimedele isibalo sabantu otjhidelana nabo ngendlela ongakghona ngayo.

Siyazi bonyana ingogwana i-COVID-19 isahlela abantu ngeendlela ezingafaniko.

NgokweHlangano yezamaPhilo yePhasiloke (i-WHO), abantu abanengi bazokuba namatshwayo angazisiko wobulwelobu begodu bazokuphola ngaphandle kokulaliswa esibhedlela.

Amatshwayo ajayelekileko mgomani, ukukhohlela nokudinwa. Angakajayeleki, kodwana amatshwayo aphakathi naphakathi buhlungu namahlaba, umphimbo obuhlungu nokulahlekelwa kunambitha namkha ukuzwa iphunga.

Nawuzwa amatshwayo la, kufuze nakanjani uzihlukanise nabanye abantu.

Nawuzwa amatshwayo abukhali, njengokubhalelwa kuphefumula namkha ukuphefumula kabuhlungu, ubuhlungu esifubeni, ukubhalelwa kukhuluma namkha ukusikinyeka, funa isizo lezokwelapha msinyana.

Sikhombela ukhumbule bonyana nawuhlolwe wafunyanwa unengogwana i-corona namkha nawukhe wathintana nomunye onengogwana, kufuze uzihlukanise khonokho kabanye abantu.

Njengalokha sikhe satjho ngaphambilini indlela engcono yokuzivikela esinayo yokulwisana nengogwana i-COVID-19 kuhlatjwa umjovo. 

ISewula Afrika seyiziqedile zoke iinkambiso ezifaneleko zokuzibandakanya kwayo ehlelweni lephasi loke le-WHO lokwethula umjovo we-COVID-19 obizwa ngokuthi yi-Global Vaccine Access Facility.

IHlelweli – elaziwa nge-COVAX – lihlanganisa ndawonye izenzelwa begodu labelane ngelwazi lobungozi bokwenziwa komjovo khona kuzakuqinisekiswa bona woke amazwe athola inani elilinganako lomjovo nasele utholakala.

Njengengcenye yehlelweli, kulindeleke kobana iSewula Afrika ifumane imijovo yokuthoma ezokunikelwa abantu belizwe lekhethu abali-10% engcenyeni yokuthoma komnyaka ozako.

Ngahlanye ilizwe lekhethu liyingcenye yesiQhema se-Afrika esihlonyelwe umsebenzi wokuthola umjovo, esaziwa nge-African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team esiqalelela ezinye iindlela zokufumana isekelo leemali okuhloswe ngalo ukusiza amazwe we-Afrika ngale kwe-COVAX.

UNgqongqotjhe wezamaPhilo uyingcenye yesiQhema esiKhethelwe umSebenzi lo begodu uqala itjhebiswano namakhamphani wangeqadi ukuqinisekisa kobana amaSewula Afrika afikelela umtjhoga osebenzako okhambelana nobujamo bethu.

Iimveke ezizako zizokuba ngezisivivinyako ekuqiniseleni kwethu emigomeni yokuziphatha kuhle nokuzimisela kwethu.

Isikhathesi sizokufuna omunye nomunye wethu enze izinto ngokuhlukileko kuneminyaka edlulileko ngombana umnyaka lo uhlukile keminye esakhe sayiphila ngaphambilini.

Kuzokufuneka silibale ngobumnandi besikhatjhana bese sizivikele thina nabanye, nokuqinisekisa bonyana singathabela iinkhathi ezifana nalezi sisoke eminyakeni ezako.

Ngiyathemba bona omunye nomunye nakalima indimakhe, nasitjheja imiyalo esisekelo, soke singaba nesikhathi sokuphumula esinethabo – godu, okuqakatheke khulu, soke singaba nomnyaka omutjha onethabo, onepilo nonepumelelo.

Nginifisela isikhathi sokuphumula esibusisekileko, kobana nihlale niphephile niphile kuhle, godu kobana samukele umnyaka omutjha sisitjhaba sinye nesibumbeneko.

Inga uZimu angatjhudubaza iSewula Afrika bekavikele nabantu bayo.


nd rural areas, and between different areas.
We have to recognise that the more we travel, the greater the potential for the spread of the virus.
That means wearing a mask when you are in public transport and making sure that the windows are open at all times.
It also means reducing the number of people that you spend time with if you are travelling to visit family and friends in other parts of the country.
It is safer to socialise with your immediate family than with large gatherings that could cause the virus to spread.
More broadly, the massive rise in infections is the result of people not observing basic – and easy to follow – practices.
These measures are particularly important as transmission is often caused by people who are infected but are not yet showing symptoms, if they develop symptoms at all, and may not even know they have the virus.
The relatively low rates of infection over the last few months have made us more relaxed about wearing a mask over our nose and mouth every time we go out in public.
We no longer see the point of avoiding crowded venues, or standing more than 1.5 metres from each other, or keeping windows open when travelling on public transport or sanitising commonly used places.
We have gotten into the Christmas spirit early and are inviting friends and family over for get-togethers.
Yet, it is our failure to closely adhere to all these basic precautions at all times that has brought us to this second wave.
These safety precautions may not seem important until someone you love has been infected with the virus because of your own carelessness.
The festive season now poses the greatest threat to the health and well-being of our nation.
It poses the greatest threat also to the recovery of our economy.
This is because the festive season is traditionally a time of gatherings, of travel, of meeting friends and family, and of relaxing after a difficult and stressful year.
In these respects, the festive season is very much like the Easter period.
It is worth remembering that during Easter this year, we were able to limit the number of infections because we all remained disciplined, we all observed the restrictions and we all adhered to the basic health measures.

In this regard, we recognise the sacrifices that churches made by suspending Easter services, and indeed the contribution that all faiths have made throughout the year to preserving life.

Just as we did during Easter, we need to once again adhere to the basic health protocols.
If we do not do things differently this festive season, we will greet the new year not with joy, but with sorrow.
Many of our friends, relatives and co-workers will be infected, some will get severely ill and some, tragically, will die.
Unless we do things differently, this will be the last Christmas for many, many South Africans.

This is certainly what we don’t want. We all want to live and let our loved ones live.
It is therefore essential that we take extraordinary measures to contain the second wave and save lives, while working to protect livelihoods.
My fellow South Africans,

Eleven days ago, we declared Nelson Mandela Bay to be a coronavirus ‘hotspot’ areas, in line with our differentiated approach to the management of the pandemic.

There are other municipalities that have also shown a particularly sharp rise in infections.

The Minister of Health Dr Zwelini Mkhize has visited these areas and after consultations with various stakeholders, Cabinet has decided to also declare the following two districts as coronavirus hotspots.
These are the:

  • Sarah Baartman District 
  • Garden Route District 

This all means that the same additional restrictions that we applied to Nelson Mandela Bay will apply in these districts from midnight tonight and will continue until we see a clear and sustained decline in infections.
While these hotspot areas require particular attention, the festive season poses significant risks for the entire country.
We have therefore been undertaking consultations in provinces, including at municipal level, on the measures that need to be taken to contain the second wave.
There have been extensive deliberations within the National Coronavirus Command Council and the President’s Coordinating Council, which brings representatives of national, provincial and local government together.
Based on the recommendations from these meetings, Cabinet has decided that further restrictions need to be imposed nation-wide from midnight tonight.
Firstly, we will ensure that there is stricter enforcement of existing alert level 1 restrictions throughout the country during the festive season and beyond.
This includes the requirement that drivers and operators of any form of public transport must ensure that all passengers wear a mask.
The managers or owners of buildings, places or premises – including retail stores, shopping centres, and government buildings – are obliged by law to ensure that all customers who enter their facilities or buildings wear a mask.
An employer must ensure that all employees wear a mask while they perform their duties.
This places a responsibility on all owners, managers and employers – and on all of us – to ensure that South Africans are safe whenever they are in any of these places.
The responsible individuals who do not ensure compliance with the regulations by their passengers, customers or employees will be liable to a fine or to imprisonment of up to six months.
Secondly, we are taking measures to reduce the risk of super-spreading events.
The current restrictions on the size of gatherings do not do enough to prevent crowding in the current situation where new cases are rising rapidly.

Therefore, gatherings – including religious gatherings – may not be attended by more than 100 people for indoor events and 250 for outdoor events.
At all times, and particularly in smaller venues, the total number of people in a venue may not exceed more than 50% of the capacity of the venue.
All gatherings must include adequate ventilation, social distancing, wearing of masks and provision of hand-sanitiser.
Due to the potential for transmission, all post-funeral gatherings, including ‘after-tears’ parties, are prohibited.
One of the greatest challenges we need to confront are the huge crowds that flock to beaches and recreational parks on public holidays over the festive season.
We have undertaken extensive consultations on this issue so that we can find an approach that reduces the risk of large-scale transmission while limiting the negative impact on businesses in coastal areas.
We have therefore agreed to adopt a differentiated approach, which takes into account the different circumstances in different areas of the country.
In the areas with the highest rate of infection, beaches and public parks will be closed for the duration of the festive season from the 16th of December to the 3rd of January.
This will apply to all of the Eastern Cape, as well as to the Garden Route district in the Western Cape.
In KwaZulu-Natal, beaches and public parks will be closed on what are traditionally the busiest days of the season.
These days are the 16th, 25th, 26th and 31st of December 2020 and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of January 2021.
The beaches and public parks of the Northern Cape and the Western Cape – with the exception of the Garden Route – will remain open to the public over the festive season.
Festivals, live music, and live performances at beaches are prohibited.
Beaches and parks that are open to the public will only be open between 9am and 6pm.
The situation will be monitored daily by local authorities to ensure compliance with the regulations on gatherings and the prohibition of alcohol.
In instances, where there are large crowds or poor compliance with safety measures, specific beaches and recreational parks will be closed.
National and provincial parks and other parks where access control measures and entry limitations are already in place may remain open to the public.
This is a most trying situation, which requires constant attention.

I have directed that all members of the National Coronavirus Command Council and key personnel should be on standby to ensure constant monitoring and assessment of the situation countrywide. 

Should the situation deteriorate, further action will be taken to protect our people.
The third area of focus over this period is to prevent super-spreader events and reduce the burden on health care services due to irresponsible alcohol consumption.
Therefore, the following measures will be implemented:
The hours of the curfew will be longer, starting at 11pm and ending at 4am.
Non-essential establishments, including restaurants and bars, will have to close at 10pm so that staff and patrons can get home before the enforcement of the curfew.

The curfew is meant to prevent gatherings that go on late into the night, while enabling restaurants, bars and taverns to continue to operate and earn an income.
We should all remember that the hours of curfew also apply to Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. This means that we will all need to make changes to the way in which we celebrate these occasions.
The sale of alcohol from retail outlets will only be permitted between 10am and 6pm from Monday to Thursday.
Registered wineries and wine farms may continue to offer tastings and wine sales to the public for off-site consumption over weekends. This exception is being made due to the vital contribution of these establishments to the tourism sector in several parts of the country.
Alcohol consumption in all public spaces, such as beaches and parks, is strictly forbidden.
We will not allow large numbers of people congregating in any one place without proper controls or protocols in place.
These festive season restrictions will be reviewed in early January based on the state of the pandemic across the country.
My fellow South Africans,
In determining our response to the second wave of infections, we have sought to carefully balance the need to save lives and to protect livelihoods.
The national lockdown which we imposed at the beginning of the epidemic was designed to delay the spread of the virus so that we could adequately prepare our health system to respond to the rise of infections.
At that time, we were not ready to cope with a sudden increase of cases and hospital admissions.
We needed to secure adequate equipment and supplies, to make additional space available in our health facilities, to train our healthcare workers and to put in place systems to monitor and respond to trends in the epidemic.
A full lockdown was absolutely necessary to delay the epidemic but would not serve the same purpose now.
Over the past several months, we have put in place a range of measures to enhance our capacity to respond.
Through the hard work of our healthcare workers, public servants, medical experts and scientific advisors, we have marshalled all of our resources to protect the people of South Africa and provide care to those who need it.
The measures that we took early in the epidemic, and the actions of every South African, have allowed us to save many lives already.
Now, we must protect the gains we have made and work together to contain the second wave.
As we have done since the very beginning, we must act based on the best scientific evidence that is available to us.
Just as our doctors, nurses and frontline workers are working tirelessly to protect us, we must work tirelessly to protect them.
To date, over 38,000 health workers in the public sector have tested positive for coronavirus. Of these, nearly 5,000 were admitted to hospital.
Sadly, 391 health workers in the public sector have passed away.
As a nation, we owe so much to these brave and dedicated people and to their families, for without them, we would not have come this far.
As we confront the second wave of infections, we must do everything we can to support and protect our health workers.
Unless we act responsibly now, unless we adhere at all times to the basic precautions that we all know, we will face a bleak new year.
Despite the restrictions on many of our regular activities, this season can be both festive and safe.
This festive season, I am asking you to keep your celebrations small and to avoid crowds.
If you are spending time with other people, I am asking you to do so outside, enjoying the splendid South African summer weather, or at least to make sure that you are in a well-ventilated space.
I am asking you to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth whenever in public, or in the company of people you don’t live with.
There is no point wearing a mask on your chin, keeping it in your pocket or lowering it to speak to someone.
Remember to regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with sanitiser.
Limit your travel as much as possible. And if you have to travel, make sure that you travel safely.
If you are going to visit friends and family, limit your number of contacts for at least one week before you travel and try to spend time with only your immediate family or as small a group of people as possible.
We know that COVID-19 affects people differently.
According to the World Health Organization, most people are likely to develop mild or moderate illness and will recover without hospitalisation.
The most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Less common, but moderate, symptoms are aches and pains, sore throat, and a loss of taste or smell.
If you experience these symptoms, then you should isolate yourself from others.
If you experience severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of speech or movement, you should seek immediate medical attention.
Please remember that if you have tested positive for coronavirus or if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, you should immediately isolate yourself from others.

As we have said in the past the only viable defence we will have against Covid-19 will be the vaccine. 

South Africa has concluded all the necessary processes to ensure its participation in the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Global Vaccine Access Facility.

This facility – known as COVAX – pools resources and shares vaccine development risk to ensure equitable access to vaccines when they become available.

As part of this facility, it is expected that South Africa will receive initial vaccines to cover 10% of our population in the early part of next year.

We are also part of the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team that is looking at alternative financing mechanisms to secure additional vaccines for African countries beyond COVAX.

The Minister of Health is part of this Task Team and is also looking at innovative partnerships with the private sector to ensure that South Africans have access to an effective vaccine that is suitable to our conditions.

The next few weeks are going to be a great test of our determination and restraint.
This period will require each of us to do things differently to previous years because this year is unlike any other we have lived through before.
It will require us to give up some short-lived pleasures to protect ourselves and others, and to ensure that we can enjoy such times together in future years.
I am convinced that if we each play our part, if we each follow the few basic precautions, then we can all have a joyful festive season – and, most importantly, we can all have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
I wish you all a blessed festive season, that you may remain safe and in good health, and that we may welcome in the new year as one united and resolute nation.

May God Bless South Africa and protect her people.

I thank you.

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