National Environmental Management: Waste Amendment Act 26 of 2014

26 of 2014

The National Environmental Management: Waste Amendment Act 26 of 2014 aims:

  • to amend the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008, so as:
    • to substitute and delete certain definitions;
    • to exclude the department from the spheres of government that are required to compile integrated waste management plans;
    • to require the MEC responsible for waste management to act in concurrence with the Minister when requesting certain persons to compile and submit industry waste management plans;
    • to provide for the exclusion of the provincial department responsible for waste management from the requirement to compile an industry waste management plan;
    • to establish a pricing strategy;
    • to provide for the content and application of the pricing strategy;
    • to establish the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to provide for the determination of policy and the Minister's oversight in relation to the Waste Management Bureau; to provide for the determination of policy and the Minister's oversight in relation to the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to provide for the objects, functions, funding, financial management, reporting and auditing, immovable property of the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to provide for the employees of the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to provide for the appointment and the functions of the Chief Executive Officer of the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to prescribe certain matters in relation to the Waste Management Bureau;
    • to provide for transitional provisions in respect of existing industry waste management plans and
  • to provide for matters connected therewith.


2 June 2014

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